Source code for redditwarp.websocket.websocket_SYNC

from typing import Union, Iterator, Optional, MutableSequence

import time

from .const import Opcode, ConnectionState, Side
from . import exceptions
from . import events
from .events import Frame, Message, BytesMessage, TextMessage
from .utils import parse_close, serialize_close


[docs]class WebSocket: SIDE: int = Side.NONE def __init__(self) -> None: self.default_waittime: float = DEFAULT_WAITTIME ("") self.state: ConnectionState = ConnectionState.OPEN ("") self.close_code: int = -1 ("") self.close_reason: str = '' ("") self.subprotocol: str = '' ("") def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[object]: yield from self.cycle(-1)
[docs] def send_frame(self, m: Frame) -> None: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def send_text(self, data: str) -> None: self.send_frame(Frame.make(Opcode.TEXT, data.encode()))
[docs] def send_bytes(self, data: bytes) -> None: self.send_frame(Frame.make(Opcode.BINARY, data))
[docs] def send(self, data: Union[str, bytes]) -> None: if isinstance(data, str): self.send_text(data) else: self.send_bytes(data)
[docs] def pulse(self, *, timeout: float = -2) -> Iterator[object]: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def cycle(self, t: float = -1) -> Iterator[object]: """Yield events from `self.pulse()` over `t` seconds.""" if t < 0: while True: for event in self.pulse(timeout=-1): yield event if isinstance(event, events.ConnectionClosed): return else: tv = t if tv == -2: tv = self.default_waittime tn = time.monotonic() while tv > 0: try: for event in self.pulse(timeout=tv): yield event if isinstance(event, events.ConnectionClosed): return except exceptions.TimeoutException: return now = time.monotonic() tv -= now - tn tn = now
[docs] def receive(self, *, timeout: float = -2) -> Message: for event in self.cycle(timeout): if isinstance(event, Message): return event elif isinstance(event, events.ConnectionClosed): raise exceptions.ConnectionClosedException raise exceptions.TimeoutException
[docs] def recv_bytes(self, *, timeout: float = -2) -> bytes: """Receive the next message. If it's a BytesMessage then return its payload, otherwise raise an MessageTypeMismatchException exception.""" event = self.receive(timeout=timeout) if isinstance(event, BytesMessage): return raise exceptions.MessageTypeMismatchException('string message received')
[docs] def recv(self, *, timeout: float = -2) -> bytes: return self.recv_bytes(timeout=timeout)
[docs] def recv_text(self, *, timeout: float = -2) -> str: """Receive the next message. If it's a TextMessage then return its payload, otherwise raise an MessageTypeMismatchException exception.""" event = self.receive(timeout=timeout) if isinstance(event, TextMessage): return raise exceptions.MessageTypeMismatchException('bytes message received')
[docs] def close(self, code: Optional[int] = 1000, reason: str = '', *, waitfor: float = -2) -> None: raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class PartiallyImplementedWebSocket(WebSocket): def _send_frame_impl(self, m: Frame) -> None: pass
[docs] def send_frame(self, m: Frame) -> None: if self.state == ConnectionState.CLOSED: raise exceptions.ConnectionClosedException elif self.state == ConnectionState.CLOSING: if m.opcode != Opcode.CLOSE: raise exceptions.InvalidStateException('cannot send non-close frame in closing state') elif self.state != ConnectionState.OPEN: raise exceptions.InvalidStateException(f'cannot send frame in {!r} state') self._send_frame_impl(m)
def _pulse_impl(self, *, timeout: float = -2) -> Iterator[object]: return yield
[docs] def pulse(self, *, timeout: float = -2) -> Iterator[object]: """Process one frame's worth of incoming data and possibly generate events for it.""" if self.state == ConnectionState.CLOSED: raise exceptions.ConnectionClosedException if self.state not in {ConnectionState.OPEN, ConnectionState.CLOSING}: raise exceptions.InvalidStateException(f'cannot ingest frame in {!r} state') yield from self._pulse_impl(timeout=timeout)
def _send_close_frame_impl(self, code: Optional[int] = 1000, reason: str = '') -> None: data = b'' if code is not None: data = serialize_close(code, reason) close = Frame.make(Opcode.CLOSE, data) self.send_frame(close)
[docs] def close(self, code: Optional[int] = 1000, reason: str = '', *, waitfor: float = -2) -> None: if code is None and reason: raise ValueError('cannot send a reason without a code') if self.state == ConnectionState.CLOSED: return if self.state != ConnectionState.OPEN: raise exceptions.InvalidStateException(f'operation not permitted in {!r} state') self.state = ConnectionState.CLOSING self._send_close_frame_impl(code, reason) for _ in self.cycle(waitfor): pass if self.close_code < 0: self.close_code = 1006 self.state: ConnectionState = ConnectionState.CLOSED
[docs]class PulsePartiallyImplementedWebSocketConnection(PartiallyImplementedWebSocket): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self._accumulator: MutableSequence[Frame] = [] def _process_ping_frame(self, m: Frame) -> Iterator[object]: if self.state not in {ConnectionState.CLOSING, ConnectionState.CLOSED}: pong = Frame.make(Opcode.PONG, self.send_frame(pong) yield m def _process_close_frame(self, m: Frame) -> Iterator[object]: self.state: ConnectionState = ConnectionState.CLOSING self.close_code: int self.close_reason: str self.close_code, self.close_reason = parse_close( close = Frame.make(Opcode.CLOSE, try: self.send_frame(close) except exceptions.ConnectionClosedException: pass yield m if self.close_code < 0: self.close_code = 1006 self.state = ConnectionState.CLOSED yield events.ConnectionClosed() def _process_data_frame(self, m: Frame) -> Iterator[object]: yield m acc = self._accumulator acc.append(m) if m.fin: msg = b''.join( for m in acc) if acc[0].opcode & Opcode.TEXT: yield TextMessage(msg.decode()) else: yield BytesMessage(msg) acc.clear() def _process_frame(self, m: Frame) -> Iterator[object]: if m.opcode == Opcode.PING: yield from self._process_ping_frame(m) elif m.opcode == Opcode.CLOSE: yield from self._process_close_frame(m) elif m.opcode in {Opcode.CONTINUATION, Opcode.TEXT, Opcode.BINARY}: yield from self._process_data_frame(m) def _load_next_frame(self, *, timeout: float = -2) -> Optional[Frame]: raise NotImplementedError def _pulse_impl(self, *, timeout: float = -2) -> Iterator[object]: frame = self._load_next_frame(timeout=timeout) if frame is None: if self.close_code < 0: self.close_code = 1006 self.state = ConnectionState.CLOSED yield events.ConnectionClosed() else: yield from self._process_frame(frame)