Meet The Client#

Let’s take a deeper look into what the client object is capable of.


The grant parameter#

We’ve already seen several ways of constructing a client instance by directly inputting various combinations of credentials, but there’s an important constructor overload we haven’t yet covered:

def __init__(self, client_id: str, client_secret: str, /, *, grant: AuthorizationGrant) -> None: ...

This overload with the grant keyword is the universal one; the other overloads are shorthands for this one.

The grant keyword takes a mapping (Mapping[str, str]) of grant credentials. There are built-in mapping object types found in redditwarp.auth.grants that make expressing grant credentials cleaner. E.g.:

from redditwarp.auth import grants
from redditwarp.SYNC import Client

Client(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, grant=grants.ClientCredentialsGrant())

Client(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, grant=grants.RefreshTokenGrant(REFRESH_TOKEN))

Client(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, grant=grants.ResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrant(USERNAME, PASSWORD))

The need for the grant keyword parameter should be rare. The only practical situation where you would want to use this parameter is if you need to use the installed client grant type. There also happens to be little reason to ever pass in a redditwarp.auth.grants.AuthorizationCodeGrant grant type since that grant type is part of a more complex OAuth flow.

Since the installed client grant type is a Reddit-specified extension grant type, the helper mapping object is located at redditwarp.core.grants.InstalledClientGrant instead of in redditwarp.auth.grants.

import uuid
from redditwarp.core import grants as core_grants

grant = core_grants.InstalledClientGrant(str(uuid.uuid1()))
Client(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, grant=grant)

The PRAW config constructor#

RedditWarp doesn’t formalise or prescribe any particular file format for storing your API credentials, but it does offer support for PRAW’s praw.ini files for convenience via Client.from_praw_config(). See here for more info.

The access token constructor#

If you have your own way of directly obtaining API access tokens, a client instance can be instantiated from one using Client.from_access_token().

When the access token expires, API calls will result in a 401 Unauthorized StatusCodeException exception. The Client.set_access_token() instance method can be used to assign a new token.

Setting a user agent#

The Client.set_user_agent() method can be used to set a user agent.

>>> from redditwarp.SYNC import Client
>>> client = Client()
>>> client.set_user_agent("u_SuvaBot/1.0.0 (by u/Pyprohly)")
>>> print(client.http.get_user_agent())
RedditWarp/0.7.0 Python/3.10.6 httpx/0.23.0 Bot !-- u_SuvaBot/1.0.0 (by u/Pyprohly)

The full user agent that is used differs slightly. The client.http.set_user_agent() function can be used to set the full user agent. However, doing this is not advised, and if not done correctly would be a violation of the Reddit API guidelines.

Making requests#

The client.request() method is the building block of all the methods in the procedure index.

>>> d = client.request('GET', '/user/spez/about')['data']
>>> d
{'is_employee': True, [...]

Use of this method is only really appropriate for making calls to the Reddit API and not any other website because of the domain specific post processing that happens with the response data.

If you do want to make requests to other sites, you are welcome to use the client.http.request() method:

>>> from redditwarp.http.util.json_loading import load_json_from_response
>>> resp = client.http.request('GET', '')
>>> json = load_json_from_response(resp)

Request inspection#

Let’s say you’re curious about the underlying calls that make up a complicated series of RedditWarp procedure calls. We can inspect the calls that RedditWarp performed through the client.http.last object.

>>> it =
>>> _ = list(it)
>>> for xchg in client.http.last.exchange_queue:
...     print("{0.verb} {0.url}".format(xchg.request))

The last 16 exchanges get recorded. The most recent is the last element.

The HTTP client#

The RedditWarp client uses the HTTPClient object at client.http to make requests.

The HTTPClient’s main methods are request() and inquire(). They share the same parameters. The request() function simply invokes the inquire() method and returns the response object.

The parameters verb, url, params, and headers are self-explanatory. The data parameter is used to send URL-encoded form data, the json parameter is used to send JSON data, and the files parameter is used to send multipart form data.

The parameters data, json, and files are mutually exclusive, although the data parameter can be used with files just as another way of writing files={**data, **files}.

>>> resp = client.http.request('POST', '', data={'a': 'b'})
>>> resp.ensure_successful_status()
>>> print(
  "args": {},
  "data": "",
  "files": {},
  "form": {
    "a": "b"
  "headers": {
    "Accept": "*/*",
    "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate",
    "Content-Length": "3",
    "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
    "Host": "",
    "User-Agent": "RedditWarp/0.7.0 Python/3.10.6 httpx/0.23.0 Bot !-- API testing",
    "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-63908f05-79dd49354966fbcb081cb9aa"
  "json": null,
  "origin": "",
  "url": ""

If you want to read in JSON data you can use redditwarp.http.util.json_loading.load_json_from_response(resp) or json.loads(

The client.http HTTP client can be used to send requests to domains other than Reddit: the Reddit credentials will not be accidentally forwarded to non-Reddit domains, nor will those requests be rate limited. On the other hand, using the client.http object to make non-Reddit requests is probably not ideal and a separate HTTP client should be used instead.

The authorizer#

An object called the ‘authorizer’ is located at client.http.authorizer. Its role is to authorise outgoing requests and manage the access token obtained from the token client.

The token client at client.http.authorizer.token_client contains the logic to fetch new access tokens from the token server. The credentials we gave to the client constructor can be found on this object.

The renew_token() method on client.http.authorizer is automatically invoked the first time you make any ( directed) request through the RedditWarp client, and it populates the client.http.authorizer.token attribute which stores the API access token.

>>> client.http.authorizer.token_client.client_creds
('cvQTsEXAMPLE9qlKflga7L', '2reTtEXAMPLE7mDAvpdg20j3P9Iqdu')
>>> client.http.authorizer.token_client.grant
RefreshTokenGrant(refresh_token='69268695264-IAyOnEXAMPLEkHXsdi9aMdULbIvFJi', scope=None)
>>> assert client.http.authorizer.token is None
>>> client.http.authorizer.renew_token()
>>> client.http.authorizer.token
Token(access_token='10706140460-h5ErvEXAMPLE4eEmbcwifLnIOCY7hQ', token_type='bearer', expires_in=86400, refresh_token='69268695264-IAyOnEXAMPLEkHXsdi9aMdULbIvFJi', scope='*')
>>> client.http.authorizer.token.access_token