
class redditwarp.models.user.User(d: Mapping[str, Any])[source]#

Bases: DatamementoPropertiesMixin

class Subreddit(d: Mapping[str, Any])[source]#

Bases: object

name: str#
openness: str#
subscriber_count: int#
title: str#
public_description: str#
nsfw: bool#
class Me(d: Mapping[str, Any])[source]#

Bases: object

friend: bool#

Whether the user is marked as friend of the current user.

If there is no user context, always false.

This is an old reddit feature. See

blocked: bool#

True if the current account has blocked this user.

If there is no user context, always false.

d: Mapping[str, Any]#
id36: str#

User ID as a base 36 number.

idn: int#

User ID.

id: int#

Same as idn.

name: str#


created_ut: int#

Unix timestamp of when the user account was created.

created_at: datetime#

Datetime object of when the user account was created.

post_karma: int#
comment_karma: int#
awardee_karma: int#
awarder_karma: int#
total_karma: int#
has_premium: bool#
has_verified_email: bool#
is_admin: bool#

Is a Reddit admin.

is_a_subreddit_moderator: bool#

Whether the account is a moderator of any subreddit.

icon_img: str#
subreddit: Subreddit#
me: Me#

Attributes relating to the current user.

If there is no user context, these values contain nonsense.

class redditwarp.models.user.SuspendedUser(d: Mapping[str, Any])[source]#

Bases: DatamementoPropertiesMixin

class Me(d: Mapping[str, Any])[source]#

Bases: object

is_blocked: bool#
d: Mapping[str, Any]#
name: str#
awardee_karma: int#
awarder_karma: int#
total_karma: int#
me: Me#