
class redditwarp.models.message.CommentMessageCause(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]#

Bases: Enum

class redditwarp.models.message.MailboxMessage(d: 'Mapping[str, Any]', subject: 'str', author_name: 'str', unread: 'bool')[source]#

Bases: DatamementoDataclassesMixin

d: Mapping[str, Any]#
subject: str#

Subject of the message.

If a comment message (i.e., CommentMessage) then the value will be:

  • comment reply if a comment reply.

  • post reply if a post reply.

  • username mention if a username mention.

author_name: str#

Author name.

Unknown what happens if the user is deleted. Is the value [deleted], an empty string, or does the field in the underlying object not exist? If you have any information about this, please open an issue report at

unread: bool#
class redditwarp.models.message.ComposedMessage(d: 'Mapping[str, Any]', subject: 'str', author_name: 'str', unread: 'bool', id: 'int', unixtime: 'int', datetime: 'DateTime', body: 'str', body_html: 'str', distinguished: 'str', src_user_name: 'Optional[str]', src_subr_name: 'Optional[str]', dst_user_name: 'Optional[str]', dst_subr_name: 'Optional[str]', src_user_id: 'Optional[int]')[source]#

Bases: MailboxMessage

id: int#
unixtime: int#

Unix timestamp of when the composed message was sent.

datetime: DateTime#

A datetime object of when the composed message was sent.

body: str#

The message content.

body_html: str#

The message content as HTML.

unread: bool#

Whether the message is new.

distinguished: str#

Either: moderator, admin, gold-auto, or empty string.

Empty string if not distinguished.

src_user_name: str | None#

Username of the sender.

src_subr_name: str | None#

Name of the subreddit in which the message was sent from.

dst_user_name: str | None#

Username of the recipient.

dst_subr_name: str | None#

Name of the subreddit in which the message was sent to.

src_user_id: int | None#

ID of the user who sent the message.

class redditwarp.models.message.CommentMessage(d: 'Mapping[str, Any]', subject: 'str', author_name: 'str', unread: 'bool', cause: 'CommentMessageCause', submission: 'CommentMessage.Submission', comment: 'CommentMessage.Comment')[source]#

Bases: MailboxMessage

class Submission(id: 'int', title: 'str', permalink_path: 'str', permalink: 'str', comment_count: 'int')[source]#

Bases: object

id: int#
title: str#
comment_count: int#
class Comment(id: 'int', created_ut: 'int', created_at: 'DateTime', author_name: 'str', author_id: 'int', subreddit_name: 'str', permalink_path: 'str', permalink: 'str', is_top_level: 'bool', has_parent_comment: 'bool', parent_comment_id36: 'str', parent_comment_idn: 'int', parent_comment_id: 'int', score: 'int', body: 'str', body_html: 'str', voted: 'int')[source]#

Bases: object

id: int#
created_ut: int#
created_at: DateTime#
author_name: str#

Author name.

Unknown what happens if the user is deleted. Is the value [deleted], an empty string, or does the field in the underlying object not exist? If you have any information about this, please open an issue report at

author_id: int#

Author ID.

Unknown what happens if the user is deleted. If you have any information about this, please open an issue report at

subreddit_name: str#

Subreddit name.

Unknown what happens if the subreddit is deleted. Is the value [deleted], an empty string, or does the field in the underlying object not exist? If you have any information about this, please open an issue report at

is_top_level: bool#
has_parent_comment: bool#
parent_comment_id36: str#
parent_comment_idn: int#
parent_comment_id: int#
score: int#
body: str#
body_html: str#
voted: int#
cause: CommentMessageCause#
submission: CommentMessage.Submission#
comment: CommentMessage.Comment#