
class redditwarp.models.custom_feed.CustomFeed(d: Mapping[str, Any])[source]#

Bases: object

d: Mapping[str, Any]#
owner: str#

The curator of the custom feed.

owner_id36: str#
owner_idn: int#
owner_id: int#
name: str#
title: str#
description: str#
description_html: str#
subscriber_count: int#
icon_url: str#
subreddit_names: Sequence[str]#
created_ut: int#
created_at: datetime#
public: bool#
nsfw: bool#
path: str#
copied_from: tuple[str, str] | None#

A tuple of (user, feed) if the custom feed is a copy.

class Me(outer: CustomFeed)[source]#

Bases: object

can_edit: bool#
favorited: bool#

Whether the current user has favourited the custom feed. False if no user context.

subscribed: bool#

Whether the current user is following the custom feed. False if no user context.

property me: None#