
class redditwarp.models.subreddit_user.SubredditUser(d: Mapping[str, Any])[source]#

Bases: object

property added_at: datetime#
d: Mapping[str, Any]#
id36: str#

User ID as a base 36 number.

idn: int#

User ID.

id: int#

Same as idn.

name: str#


account_icon: str#

URL of the user account’s icon.

icon_size: tuple[int, int]#

Usually (256, 256).

added_ut: int#
class redditwarp.models.subreddit_user.Moderator(d: Mapping[str, Any])[source]#

Bases: SubredditUser

added_ut: int#

UNIX timestamp of when the user added as a moderator.

flair_text: str#

The flair text of the moderator.

permissions: set[str]#

Values: all, wiki, chat_operator, chat_config, posts, access, mail, config, flair.

post_karma: int#
class redditwarp.models.subreddit_user.ApprovedUser(d: Mapping[str, Any])[source]#

Bases: SubredditUser

added_ut: int#

UNIX timestamp of when the user added as an approved user.

class redditwarp.models.subreddit_user.BannedUser(d: Mapping[str, Any])[source]#

Bases: SubredditUser

added_ut: int#

UNIX timestamp of when the user was banned.

agent_name: str#

Name of the moderator who banned the user.

Unknown what happens if the user is deleted. Is the value [deleted], an empty string, or does the field in the underlying object not exist? If you have any information about this, please open an issue report at

reason: str#

Ban reason.

note: str#

A moderator note.

message: str#

The message that was sent to the user when they were banned.

days_remaining: int | None#

Number of days until the ban is lifted.

Value None if the ban is permanent.

class redditwarp.models.subreddit_user.MutedUser(d: Mapping[str, Any])[source]#

Bases: SubredditUser

added_ut: int#

UNIX timestamp of when the user was muted.

agent_name: str#

Name of the moderator who muted the user.

Unknown what happens if the user is deleted. Is the value [deleted], an empty string, or does the field in the underlying object not exist? If you have any information about this, please open an issue report at

reason: str#

A moderator note.