
class redditwarp.models.subreddit.Subreddit(d: Mapping[str, Any])[source]#

Bases: DatamementoPropertiesMixin

class Me(d: Mapping[str, Any])[source]#

Bases: object

class Flair(d: Mapping[str, Any])[source]#

Bases: object

shown: bool#

Whether the current user has their flair enabled in the subreddit.

Value is False if the subreddit object comes from a search item.

template_uuid: str | None#

The current user’s flair template UUID in the subreddit.

Value is None if no flair template is being used.

text_mode: str#

Either text or richtext.

text: str#

The flair text.

Check if the value is an empty string to tell if a flair is being used.

css_class: str#

The current user’s flair CSS class.

When a flair template is being used, the value of this field will be that of the CSS class designated by the template. If the flair template does not specify a CSS class then the value will be an empty string.

bg_color: str#

A background color hex string. E.g., #46d160.

If a flair template is not being used then the value will be an empty string.

If a flair template is being used and the background color is unset then the value is an empty string.

fg_color_scheme: str#

Either dark or light, or empty string.

Value is empty string if a flair template is not being used.

has_had_flair_assigned_before_in_subreddit: bool#

Because of quirks in the API, we can tell if the user has ever had flair assigned before in the subreddit.

has_had_flair_css_class_assigned_before_in_subreddit_when_no_flair_template_assigned: bool#

Because of quirks in the API, we can tell if the user has ever had a flair CSS class assigned before in the subreddit, but this only works if a flair template is not being used.

favorited: bool#
is_banned: bool#
is_approved_user: bool#
is_moderator: bool#

Whether the current user is a moderator of the subreddit.

is_muted: bool#
is_subscribed: bool#
sr_theme_enabled: bool#

Whether the current user allows subreddit custom CSS.

This is the “allow subreddits to show me custom themes” preference in old reddit.

flair: Flair#

Information about the current user’s flair settings in the subreddit.

class SubredditFlair(d: Mapping[str, Any])[source]#

Bases: object

user_flair_enabled: bool#

Whether user flairs are enabled in the subreddit.

In old Reddit this is the flair option that says “enable user flair in this subreddit”.

Caution: Value is false if object was retrieved from a search. This isn’t the case with the other variables.

user_flair_position: str#

Either left or right, or empty string.

Starts off as right in new subreddits.

Can be set to an empty string via API calls (see configure_subreddit_flair_settings()) but not through the UI. If an empty string then all user flairs are hidden, despite the user_flair_enabled setting.

user_flair_self_assign: bool#

Whether or not users can assign a flair to themselves in this subreddit.

If false, only a moderator can assign flairs to users.

In old Reddit this is the flair option that says “allow users to assign their own flair”.

post_flair_enabled: bool#

Whether post flairs are enabled in the subreddit.

In old Reddit, this field is tied to the ‘link flair position’ flair setting: the value is false when set to none.

post_flair_position: str#

Either left or right, or empty string.

Value is empty string if post_flair_enabled is false (the ‘none’ option in the old Reddit UI).

post_flair_self_assign: bool#

Whether or not users can assign a flair to their submission in this subreddit.

If false, only a moderator can assign flairs to submissions.

In old Reddit this is the flair option that says “allow submitters to assign their own link flair”.

d: Mapping[str, Any]#
id36: str#

The ID of the subreddit as a base 36 number.

idn: int#

The subreddit ID.

id: int#

Same as idn.

name: str#

The name of the subreddit.

openness: str#

Either: public, private, restricted, archived, employees_only, gold_only, gold_restricted, or user.

created_ut: int#

Unix timestamp of when the subreddit was created.

created_at: datetime#

When the subreddit was created.

title: str#

The title of the subreddit.

Max. chars.: 100.

public_description: str#
public_description_html: str#
sidebar_description: str#
sidebar_description_html: str#
submitting_form_note: str#
submitting_form_note_html: str#
submit_text_label: str#

Custom label text for the “Submit a new text post” button.

In old Reddit this is the “Custom label for submit text post button” subreddit option.

Custom label text for the “Custom label for submit link button” button.

In old Reddit this is the “Custom label for submit text post button” subreddit option.

subscriber_count: int#
viewing_count: int#

The number of online users who are subscribed to the subreddit.

Value is -1 if object was retrieved from a search.

accepts_text_submissions: bool#
accepts_poll_submissions: bool#
suggested_comment_sort: str#

Either: confidence (best), new, old, top, qa, controversial, or live.

Value is empty string if not set.

nsfw: bool#
quarantined: bool#
me: Me | None#

Attributes related to the current user.

flair: SubredditFlair#
has_menu_widget: bool#

True if the subreddit has a menu widget active, otherwise false.

Value is false if the object was retrieved from a search.


alias of Subreddit

class redditwarp.models.subreddit.InaccessibleSubreddit(d: Mapping[str, Any])[source]#

Bases: DatamementoPropertiesMixin

d: Mapping[str, Any]#
id36: str#
idn: int#
id: int#
created_ut: int#
created_at: datetime#
name: str#
openness: str#
title: str#

alias of InaccessibleSubreddit