HTTP Components#

RedditWarp does not commit to a specific HTTP transport library but instead contains adapters to support a variety of them. These adapters can be used in your own programs to make them HTTP transport library agnostic.

It is important to note that the functionality of RedditWarp’s HTTP library is limited in scope and does not have advanced features such as cookie handling, HTTP/2 support, the ability to set custom headers on multipart fields, or streaming capabilities.

The HTTP components can be found under redditwarp.http. The design of these components were inspired by the System.Net.Http package of C#.NET.

Main components:

  • HTTPClient

    A class used to make web requests.

    The main methods are request(), request(), and submit(). These methods perform similar functions and delegate to each other. Both request() and inquire() take the same parameters, with request() delegating to inquire() and returning the response from the Exchange object. The inquire() method creates a Requisition object and passes it to submit().

    The parameters verb, url, params, and headers are self-explanatory. The data parameter is used to send URL-encoded form data, the json parameter is used to send JSON data, and the files parameter is used to send multipart form data.

    The parameters data, json, and files are mutually exclusive, although the data parameter can be used with files just as another way of writing files={**data, **files}.

    The HTTPClient constructor takes a Handler object.

  • Exchange

    A class returned by the HTTPClient.inquire() method that contains information about the request and response.

  • Requisition

    This object represents a request for an outgoing request. It is designed to be modified by the handlers in a handler chain. You can construct a Requisition object yourself and pass it to the HTTPClient.submit() method.


  • Handler

    A base class. The HTTPClient constructor takes a Handler object.

  • DelegatingHandler

    A class allowing a handler to be used as a component in a handler chain.

  • Connector

    A handler class that operates at the end of a handler chain and performs the HTTP request. These classes are the HTTP transport library adaptors.

An HTTPClient object must be constructed to make requests. Pass a Connector object to HTTPClient to construct it:

from redditwarp.http.transport.reg_SYNC import new_connector
from redditwarp.http.http_client_SYNC import HTTPClient

http = HTTPClient(new_connector())

Making requests#

resp = http.request('GET', '')
# OR
resp = http.inquire('GET', '').response


If we don’t want to specify the base URL each time, the HTTPClient.base_url attribute can be set.

http.base_url = ''
resp = http.request('GET', '/get')
resp = http.request('POST', '/post')
resp = http.request('DELETE', '/delete')

Use the inquire() method to get information about the actual request as well.

xchg = http.inquire('GET', '/get')
requ = xchg.request
resp = xchg.response

Sending params#

>>> requ = http.inquire('GET', '', params={'a': '1', 'b': '2'}).request
>>> requ.url

The params mapping must only contain strings.

Sending headers#

>>> requ = http.inquire('GET', '').request
>>> requ.headers['User-Agent']
>>> requ = http.inquire('GET', '', headers={'User-Agent': 'my-app/0.1.0'}).request
>>> requ.headers['User-Agent']
>>> requ.headers['uSeR-agENT']

Sending headers is just like sending parameters. However, whenever you see a header field on an object you can assume that it is a case-insensitive mapping.

Sending URL-encoded form data#

Use the data parameter. Again, the contents of the mapping must be only strings.

>>> requ = http.inquire('POST', '', data={'a': '1', 'b': '2'}).request

Sending JSON#

Use the json parameter.

>>> requ = http.inquire('POST', '', json={'a': [1, 2, 3]}).request
b'{"a": [1, 2, 3]}'

Sending files#

Use the files parameter to send media data via multipart form data.

>>> files = {'file': open('file1', 'rb')}
>>> requ = http.inquire('POST', '', files=files).request
b'--9055dc7b5eda1da2b214831aae84aaa7\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="file"\r\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\nhi\r\n--9055dc7b5eda1da2b214831aae84aaa7--\r\n'

Binary response content#

The response content can be accessed as bytes through the data attribute of the response object.

resp = http.request('GET', '', data={'hello': 'world'})

JSON response content#

JSON can be extracted manually with json.loads(), or using the load_json_from_response() utility function on a Response object:

resp = http.request('GET', '', data={'hello': 'world'})
from redditwarp.http.util.json_loading import load_json_from_response
json = load_json_from_response(resp)

Response status code#

The response status code is available though the status attribute on a Response object.

The ensure_successful_status() method will raise a redditwarp.http.exceptions.StatusCodeException for status codes not in the 2XX range.

>>> resp = http.request('GET', '')
>>> resp.status
>>> resp.ensure_successful_status()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Users/danpro/Desktop/redditwarp/redditwarp/http/", line 31, in ensure_successful_status
  File "/Users/danpro/Desktop/redditwarp/redditwarp/http/", line 124, in ensure_successful_status
  File "/Users/danpro/Desktop/redditwarp/redditwarp/http/", line 119, in raise_now
    raise get_status_code_exception_class_by_status_code(n)(status_code=n)
redditwarp.http.exceptions.StatusCodeExceptionTypes.NotFound: 404 Not Found


A default timeout can be set on an HTTPClient instance using the timeout attribute. It is 100 seconds by default.

Timeouts can be specified per request using the timeout parameter. A value of -1 means an infinite timeout. A value of -2, which is the default, tells the HTTPClient to use the HTTPClient.timeout instance value.

http.request('GET', '', timeout=0.0000001)