Source code for redditwarp.util.praw_config

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Sequence, Optional

import sys
import os.path as op
from os import getenv
from configparser import ConfigParser

def _safe_getenv(key: str) -> str:
    return getenv(key, '')

[docs]def get_praw_ini_potential_locations() -> Sequence[str]: """Return a list of potential `praw.ini` locations.""" root_pkg_dirname = '' if __name__ != '__main__': root_pkg_name, _, _ = __name__.partition('.') root_pkg_module = sys.modules[root_pkg_name] root_pkg_dirname = op.dirname(root_pkg_module.__file__ or '') return [ op.join(*path_components, 'praw.ini') for path_components in [ [root_pkg_dirname], # Package defaults [_safe_getenv('APPDATA')], # Windows [_safe_getenv('HOME'), '.config'], # Linux and macOS [_safe_getenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME')], # Linux ['.'], # Current directory ] if path_components[0] ]
[docs]def get_praw_config(filepath: Optional[str] = None) -> ConfigParser: """Return a `ConfigParser` initialised with the standard `praw.ini` locations.""" config = ConfigParser() if filepath is None else filepath) return config