Source code for

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Sequence
    from ...client_ASYNC import Client
    from ...models.submission_ASYNC import Submission

from functools import cached_property

from ...pagination.paginator_chaining_async_iterator import ImpartedPaginatorChainingAsyncIterator
from ...pagination.paginators.wiki_async1 import WikiPageRevisionsAsyncPaginator
from ...pagination.paginators.listing.submission_listing_async_paginator import SubmissionListingAsyncPaginator
from ...models.wiki_ASYNC import WikiPage, WikiPageRevision, WikiPageSettings
from ...model_loaders.wiki_ASYNC import load_wiki_page, load_wiki_page_settings

[docs]class WikiProcedures: def __init__(self, client: Client) -> None: self._client = client
[docs] class Page: def __init__(self, outer: WikiProcedures) -> None: self._outer = outer self._client = outer._client
[docs] async def read(self, sr: str, page: str) -> WikiPage: """Get a wiki page. .. .PARAMETERS :param `str` sr: :param `str` page: .. .RETURNS :rtype: :class:`~.models.wiki_ASYNC.WikiPage` .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `PAGE_NOT_FOUND`: The specified wiki page does not exist. + `INVALID_REVISION`: The specified revision UUID does not exist. + `private`: You do not have access to the specified subreddit; it is private. + `banned`: You do not have access to the specified subreddit; it is banned. """ root = await self._client.request('GET', f'/r/{sr}/wiki/{page}') return load_wiki_page(root['data'], self._client)
[docs] async def edit(self, sr: str, page: str, body: str, *, message: str = '') -> None: """Edit a wiki page. If the specifed content matches the current content of the wiki page, the edit will not go through. .. .PARAMETERS :param `str` sr: :param `str` page: :param `str` body: :param `str` message: A commit message. .. .RETURNS :rtype: `None` .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `WIKI_CREATE_ERROR`: The specified wiki page does not exist. + `private`: You do not have access to the specified subreddit; it is private. + `banned`: You do not have access to the specified subreddit; it is banned. """ await self._client.request('POST', f'/r/{sr}/api/wiki/edit', data={'page': page, 'content': body, 'reason': message})
[docs] async def revert(self, sr: str, page: str, revision: str) -> None: """Revert a wiki page to a previous revision. This creates a new edit with content matching that of the specified revision. The revision message will look something like 'reverted back 53 minutes'. .. .PARAMETERS :param `str` sr: :param `str` page: :param `str` revision: .. .RETURNS :rtype: `None` .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `INVALID_REVISION`: The specified revision UUID does not exist. """ await self._client.request('POST', f'/r/{sr}/api/wiki/revert', data={'page': page, 'revision': revision})
[docs] def revisions(self, sr: str, page: str, amount: Optional[int] = None, ) -> ImpartedPaginatorChainingAsyncIterator[WikiPageRevisionsAsyncPaginator, WikiPageRevision]: """Get wiki page revision log entries. .. .PARAMETERS :param `str` sr: :param `str` page: :param `Optional[int]` amount: .. .RETURNS :rtype: :class:`~.pagination.paginator_chaining_async_iterator.ImpartedPaginatorChainingAsyncIterator`[:class:`~.pagination.paginators.wiki_async1.WikiPageRevisionsAsyncPaginator`, :class:`~.models.wiki_ASYNC.WikiPageRevision`] .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `WIKI_DISABLED`: The specified subreddit does not have wikis enabled. + `PAGE_NOT_FOUND`: The specified wiki page does not exist. + `private`: You do not have access to the specified subreddit; it is private. + `banned`: You do not have access to the specified subreddit; it is banned. """ p = WikiPageRevisionsAsyncPaginator(self._client, f'/r/{sr}/wiki/revisions/{page}') return ImpartedPaginatorChainingAsyncIterator(p, amount)
[docs] def discussions(self, sr: str, page: str, amount: Optional[int] = None, ) -> ImpartedPaginatorChainingAsyncIterator[SubmissionListingAsyncPaginator, Submission]: """Get link submissions linking to a particular wiki page. .. .PARAMETERS :param `str` sr: :param `str` page: :param `Optional[int]` amount: .. .RETURNS :rtype: :class:`~.pagination.paginator_chaining_async_iterator.ImpartedPaginatorChainingAsyncIterator`[:class:`~.pagination.paginators.wiki_async1.SubmissionListingAsyncPaginator`, :class:`~.models.wiki_ASYNC.WikiPageRevision`] .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `WIKI_DISABLED`: The specified subreddit does not have wikis enabled. + `PAGE_NOT_FOUND`: The specified wiki page does not exist. + `private`: You do not have access to the specified subreddit; it is private. + `banned`: You do not have access to the specified subreddit; it is banned. """ p = SubmissionListingAsyncPaginator(self._client, f'/r/{sr}/wiki/discussions/{page}') return ImpartedPaginatorChainingAsyncIterator(p, amount)
[docs] async def get_settings(self, sr: str, page: str) -> WikiPageSettings: """Retrieve the current permission settings for a wiki page. .. .PARAMETERS :param `str` sr: :param `str` page: .. .RETURNS :rtype: `~.models.wiki_ASYNC.WikiPageSettings` .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `MOD_REQUIRED`: You are not a moderator of the specified subreddit. + `WIKI_DISABLED`: The specified subreddit does not have wikis enabled. + `PAGE_NOT_FOUND`: The specified wiki page does not exist. + `private`: You do not have access to the specified subreddit; it is private. + `banned`: You do not have access to the specified subreddit; it is banned. """ root = await self._client.request('GET', f'/r/{sr}/wiki/settings/{page}') return load_wiki_page_settings(root['data'], self._client)
[docs] async def set_settings(self, sr: str, page: str, *, permlevel: int, indexed: bool) -> WikiPageSettings: """Update the permissions and visibility of a particular wiki page. .. .PARAMETERS :param `str` sr: :param `str` page: :param `int` permlevel: Permission level indicating who can edit this wiki page. "who can edit this page?" `0`: "use subreddit wiki permissions" `1`: "only approved wiki contributors for this page may edit" `2`: "only mods may edit and view" :param `bool` indexed: Whether this wiki page is to be indexed on the wiki page list. .. .RETURNS :rtype: `~.models.wiki_ASYNC.WikiPageSettings` .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `WIKI_DISABLED`: The specified subreddit does not have wikis enabled. + `PAGE_NOT_FOUND`: The specified wiki page does not exist. + `private`: You do not have access to the specified subreddit; it is private. + `banned`: You do not have access to the specified subreddit; it is banned. :raises redditwarp.http.exceptions.StatusCodeException: + `302`: You do not have permission. """ root = await self._client.request('POST', f'/r/{sr}/wiki/settings/{page}', data={'permlevel': str(permlevel), 'listed': '01'[indexed]}) return load_wiki_page_settings(root['data'], self._client)
[docs] async def add_editor(self, sr: str, page: str, username: str) -> None: """Add a user as an editor for a wiki page. If the user is already added, it is treated as a success. .. .PARAMETERS :param `str` sr: :param `str` page: :param `str` username: .. .RETURNS :rtype: `None` .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `WIKI_DISABLED`: The specified subreddit does not have wikis enabled. + `UNKNOWN_USER`: The specified user does not exist. + `private`: You do not have access to the specified subreddit; it is private. + `banned`: You do not have access to the specified subreddit; it is banned. """ await self._client.request('POST', f'/r/{sr}/api/wiki/alloweditor/add', data={'username': username})
[docs] async def remove_editor(self, sr: str, page: str, username: str) -> None: """Remove a user as an editor for a wiki page. Behaves similarly to :meth:`.add_editor`. """ await self._client.request('POST', f'/r/{sr}/api/wiki/alloweditor/del', data={'username': username})
page: cached_property[Page] = cached_property(Page)
[docs] def revisions(self, sr: str, amount: Optional[int] = None, ) -> ImpartedPaginatorChainingAsyncIterator[WikiPageRevisionsAsyncPaginator, WikiPageRevision]: """Get a revision log for all wiki pages. .. .PARAMETERS :param `str` sr: :param `Optional[int]` amount: .. .RETURNS :rtype: :class:`~.pagination.paginator_chaining_async_iterator.ImpartedPaginatorChainingAsyncIterator`[:class:`~.pagination.paginators.wiki_async1.WikiPageRevisionsAsyncPaginator`, :class:`~.models.wiki_ASYNC.WikiPageRevision`] .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `WIKI_DISABLED`: The specified subreddit does not have wikis enabled. + `private`: You do not have access to the specified subreddit; it is private. + `banned`: You do not have access to the specified subreddit; it is banned. """ p = WikiPageRevisionsAsyncPaginator(self._client, f'/r/{sr}/wiki/revisions') return ImpartedPaginatorChainingAsyncIterator(p, amount)
[docs] async def list_pages(self, sr: str) -> Sequence[str]: """Get a list of wiki pages in a subreddit. .. .PARAMETERS :param `str` sr: .. .RETURNS :rtype: `Sequence`\\[`str`] .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `private`: You do not have access to the specified subreddit; it is private. + `banned`: You do not have access to the specified subreddit; it is banned. """ root = await self._client.request('GET', f'/r/{sr}/wiki/pages') return root['data']
[docs] async def toggle_revision_hidden(self, sr: str, page: str, revision: str) -> bool: """Toggle the public visibility of a wiki page revision. .. .PARAMETERS :param `str` sr: :param `str` page: :param `str` revision: .. .RETURNS :rtype: `Sequence`\\[`str`] .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `PAGE_NOT_FOUND`: The specified wiki page does not exist. + `INVALID_REVISION`: The specified revision UUID does not exist. + `private`: You do not have access to the specified subreddit; it is private. + `banned`: You do not have access to the specified subreddit; it is banned. """ root = await self._client.request('POST', f'/r/{sr}/api/wiki/hide', data={'page': page, 'revision': revision}) return root['status']