Source code for redditwarp.siteprocs.submission.create.SYNC

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from ....client_SYNC import Client

from .text_SYNC import Text
from .link_SYNC import Link
from .image_SYNC import Image
from .video_SYNC import Video
from .gallery_SYNC import Gallery
from .poll_SYNC import Poll
from .cross_SYNC import Cross

[docs]class Create: def __init__(self, client: Client) -> None: self._client = client self.text: Text = Text(client) (""" Create a text post. Use the following code to get the ID36 of the newly created post:: client.p.submission.create.text(...) id36 = client.last_value['json']['data']['id'] .. .PARAMETERS :param `str` sr: Name of the subreddit to submit the post to. :param `str` title: Title of the post. :param body: The body text of the post. Specify either markdown text or a richtext document. :type body: `Union`\\[`str`, `Mapping`\\[`str`, :class:`~.types.JSON_ro`]] :param `bool` reply_notifications: Receive inbox notifications for replies. :param `bool` spoiler: Mark as spoiler. :param `bool` nsfw: Mark as NSFW. :param `bool` oc: Mark as original content. :param `Optional[str]` collection_uuid: The UUID of a collection to add this post to a collection. :param `Optional[str]` flair_uuid: The UUID of a flair template to use. :param `Optional[str]` flair_text: Custom flair text. :param `Optional[str]` event_start: A datetime ISO 8601 string. E.g. `2018-09-11T12:00:00`. :param `Optional[str]` event_end: A datetime ISO 8601 string. :param `Optional[str]` event_tz: A timezone. E.g., `America/Los_Angeles`. .. .RETURNS :rtype: `None` :returns: For `_YIntOrStr` = `int`: The integer ID of the newly created post. For `_YIntOrStr` = `str`: The base 36 ID of the newly created post. .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `USER_REQUIRED`: There is no user context. + `BAD_SR_NAME`: An empty string was specified for `sr`. + `SUBREDDIT_NOEXIST`: - The specified subreddit does not exist. - The specified subreddit is invalid. + `SUBREDDIT_NOTALLOWED`: - The subreddit is restricted and you are not an approved user. - You are banned from the subreddit. - You are trying to submit an image or video post to a NSFW subreddit. Note, quarantined subreddits can be posted to even if you haven't yet opt-ed in to viewing its content. + `NO_TEXT`: The `title` parameter was not specified, was blank, or contained only whitespace. + `JSON_PARSE_ERROR`: Richtext was passed and it was not in the correct format. + `TOO_LONG`: - The `title` parameter must be under 300 characters. - The `body` parameter must be under 40000 characters. + `NO_SELFS`: The subreddit doesn't accept text posts. + `USER_REQUIRED`: There is no user context. :raises redditwarp.http.exceptions.StatusCodeException: + `404`: The target subreddit is private or banned. """) Link = Link(client) ("""Create a link post. Behaves similarly to :meth:`.text`. When linking to non-upload-lease resource locations, it is possible to get the ID36 of the newly created post using the following code:: client.p.submission.create.text(...) id36 = client.last_value['json']['data']['id'] If the given link is an upload-lease resource location, a `KeyError` will occur upon the lookup of `'id'`. .. .PARAMETERS :(parameters): Similar to :meth:`.text`. :param `str` url: A URL. .. .RETURNS :(returns): Similar to :meth:`.text`. .. .RAISES :(raises): Similar to :meth:`.text`. :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `NO_URL`: The `link` parameter was not specified, or the URL is invalid. """) self.image: Image = Image(client) ("""Create an image post. Behaves similarly to :meth:`.text`. .. .PARAMETERS :(parameters): Similar to :meth:`.text`. :param `str` link: A URL to an image. .. .RETURNS :(returns): Similar to :meth:`.text`. .. .RAISES :(raises): Similar to :meth:`.text`. """) Video = Video(client) ("""Create a video post. Behaves similarly to :meth:`.text`. .. .PARAMETERS :(parameters): Similar to :meth:`.text`. :param `str` link: A URL to a video. :param `str` thumbnail: A URL to an image to be used as a thumbnail for the video. :param `bool` vgif: Pass `True` to create a video GIF. .. .RETURNS :rtype: `None` .. .RAISES :(raises): Similar to :meth:`.text`. :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `MISSING_VIDEO_URLS`: The `thumbnail` parameter was empty. + `NO_VIDEOS`: The subreddit does not accept video posts. """) Gallery = Gallery(client) ("""Create a gallery post. Behaves similarly to :meth:`.text`. Use the following code to get the ID36 of the newly created post:: client.p.submission.create.text(...) id36 = client.last_value['json']['data']['id'][3:] .. .PARAMETERS :(parameters): Similar to :meth:`.text`. :param items: A list of gallery items. :type items: `Sequence`\\[:class:`~.dtos.submission.GalleryItem`] .. .RETURNS :(returns): Similar to :meth:`.text`. .. .RAISES :(raises): Similar to :meth:`.text`. """) self.poll: Poll = Poll(client) ("""Create a poll post. Behaves similarly to :meth:`.text`. Use the following code to get the ID36 of the newly created post:: client.p.submission.create.text(...) id36 = client.last_value['json']['data']['id'][3:] .. .PARAMETERS :(parameters): Similar to :meth:`.text`. :param `str` body: :param `Sequence[str]` options: :param `int` duration: The number of days the poll runs for. Valid values are 1 to 7. If a number is specified outside this range it is clamped within range. The UI default is 3 days. .. .RETURNS :(returns): Similar to :meth:`.text`. .. .RAISES :(raises): Similar to :meth:`.text`. """) self.cross: Cross = Cross(client) ("""Create a crosspost. Behaves similarly to :meth:`.text`. Use the following code to get the ID36 of the newly created post:: client.p.submission.create.text(...) id36 = client.last_value['json']['data']['id'] .. .PARAMETERS :(parameters): Similar to :meth:`.text`. :param `Union[int, str]` target: The ID of a submission. .. .RETURNS :(returns): Similar to :meth:`.text`. .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `USER_REQUIRED`: Same as in :meth:`.text`. + `BAD_SR_NAME`: "..." + `SUBREDDIT_NOEXIST`: "..." + `SUBREDDIT_NOTALLOWED`: "..." + `INVALID_CROSSPOST_THING`: The target subreddit is the same as the source. """)