Source code for redditwarp.siteprocs.modmail.conversation_SYNC

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Sequence, Iterable, Union, TypeVar, Protocol, cast
    from ...client_SYNC import Client

from functools import cached_property

from ...util.base_conversion import to_base36
from ...iterators.chunking import chunked
from ...iterators.call_chunk_calling_iterator import CallChunkCallingIterator
from ...iterators.call_chunk_chaining_iterator import CallChunkChainingIterator
from ...iterators.call_chunk import CallChunk
from ...models.modmail_SYNC import ConversationAggregate
from ...model_loaders.modmail_SYNC import load_conversation_aggregate

_YIntOrStr = TypeVar('_YIntOrStr', int, str)

[docs]class ConversationProcedures: def __init__(self, client: Client) -> None: self._client = client
[docs] def fetch(self, idy: Union[int, str], *, mark_read: bool = False) -> ConversationAggregate: """Get a conversation. .. .PARAMETERS :param `Union[int, str]` idy: Conversation ID. :param `bool` mark_read: Mark retrieved conversations as read. Default: false. .. .RETURNS :rtype: :class:`~.models.modmail_SYNC.ConversationAggregate` .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `USER_REQUIRED`: There is no user context. + `SUBREDDIT_NO_ACCESS`: The subreddit associated with the conversation is not moderated by you. + `CONVERSATION_NOT_FOUND`: The specified conversation does not exist. """ id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) root = self._client.request('GET', f'/api/mod/conversations/{id36}') return load_conversation_aggregate(root, client=self._client)
[docs] def create_to_user(self, sr: str, to: str, subject: str, body: str, *, hidden: bool = False) -> ConversationAggregate: """Create a to-user conversation. .. .PARAMETERS :param `str` sr: The name of the subreddit in which to create the conversation for. :param `str` to: The modmail recipient name. If the specified user is a moderator of the subreddit, this parameter is ignored and an internal moderator conversation is created instead. :param `str` subject: A subject line for the conversation. :param `str` body: Markdown text. :param `bool` hidden: Expose your user name to the recipient. Default: false. .. .RETURNS :rtype: :class:`~.models.modmail_SYNC.ConversationAggregate` .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `USER_REQUIRED`: There is no user context. + `BAD_SR_NAME`: The specified source subreddit was empty. + `SUBREDDIT_NOEXIST`: The specified source subreddit does not exist. + `NO_TEXT`: - The `subject` was empty. - The `body` was empty. + `TOO_LONG`: - The value specified for `subject` must be 100 characters or fewer (despite error message saying under 100). - The value specified for `body` must be 10000 characters or fewer (despite error message saying under 10000). """ data = {'srName': sr, 'to': to, 'subject': subject, 'body': body, 'isAuthorHidden': '01'[hidden]} root = self._client.request('POST', '/api/mod/conversations', data=data) return load_conversation_aggregate(root, client=self._client)
[docs] def create_to_subreddit(self, sr: str, to: str, subject: str, body: str) -> ConversationAggregate: """Create a to-subreddit conversation. .. .PARAMETERS :param `str` sr: The name of the subreddit in which to create the conversation for. :param `str` to: The target subreddit name. Specify an empty string to create an internal moderator conversation. :param `str` subject: A subject line for the conversation. :param `str` body: Markdown text. .. .RETURNS :rtype: :class:`~.models.modmail_SYNC.ConversationAggregate` .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `USER_REQUIRED`: There is no user context. + `BAD_SR_NAME`: The specified source subreddit was empty. + `SUBREDDIT_NOEXIST`: The specified source or target subreddit does not exist. + `NO_TEXT`: - The `subject` was empty. - The `body` was empty. + `TOO_LONG`: - The value specified for `subject` must be 100 characters or fewer (despite error message saying under 100). - The value specified for `body` must be 10000 characters or fewer (despite error message saying under 10000). """ to = to and ('r/' + to) return self.create_to_user(sr, to, subject, body)
[docs] def reply(self, idy: Union[int, str], body: str, *, hidden: bool = False, internal: bool = False) -> ConversationAggregate: """Create a new message on an existing conversation. .. .PARAMETERS :param `Union[int, str]` idy: Conversation ID. :param `str` body: Markdown text. :param `bool` hidden: Expose your user name to the recipient. Default: false. :param `bool` internal: Create a private moderator note. Default: false. .. .RETURNS :rtype: :class:`~.models.modmail_SYNC.ConversationAggregate` .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `USER_REQUIRED`: There is no user context. + `CONVERSATION_NOT_FOUND`: The specified conversation does not exist. + `SUBREDDIT_NO_ACCESS`: The subreddit associated with the conversation is not moderated by you. + `NO_TEXT`: The `body` was empty. + `TOO_LONG`: The value specified for `body` must be 10000 characters or fewer (despite error message saying under 10000). """ data = {'body': body, 'isAuthorHidden': '01'[hidden], 'isInternal': '01'[internal]} id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) root = self._client.request('POST', f'/api/mod/conversations/{id36}', data=data) return load_conversation_aggregate(root, client=self._client)
[docs] def mark_read(self, idy: Union[int, str]) -> None: """Mark a conversation as read. .. .PARAMETERS :param `Union[int, str]` idy: .. .RETURNS :rtype: `None` .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `USER_REQUIRED`: There is no user context. + `UNKNOWN_ERROR`: The string ID contained invalid characters. """ id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) data = {'conversationIds': id36} self._client.request('POST', '/api/mod/conversations/read', data=data)
[docs] def bulk_mark_read(self, ids: Iterable[_YIntOrStr]) -> CallChunkCallingIterator[None]: """Mark conversations as read. Any specified conversation that does not exist will be ignored. If any of the IDs refer to a conversation you do not have permission over, an `INVALID_CONVERSATION_ID` API error will occur and none of the conversations will be processed. .. .PARAMETERS :param `Iterable[_YIntOrStr]` ids: .. .RETURNS :rtype: :class:`~.iterators.call_chunk_calling_iterator.CallChunkCallingIterator`\\[`None`] .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `USER_REQUIRED`: There is no user context. + `INVALID_CONVERSATION_ID`: You do not have permission to mark as read one of the specified conversations. The operation is aborted and none of the items will be processed. + `UNKNOWN_ERROR`: The string ID contained invalid characters. The operation is aborted and none of the items will be processed. """ def mass_mark_read(ids: Sequence[_YIntOrStr]) -> None: # id36s = ((x if isinstance((x := i), str) else to_base36(x)) for i in ids) # type: ignore[arg-type] ids_str = ','.join(id36s) self._client.request('POST', '/api/mod/conversations/read', data={'conversationIds': ids_str}) return CallChunkCallingIterator(CallChunk[Sequence[_YIntOrStr], None](mass_mark_read, chunk) for chunk in chunked(ids, 100))
[docs] def mark_unread(self, idy: Union[int, str]) -> None: """Mark a conversation as unread. Behaves similarly to :meth:`.mark_read`. """ id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) data = {'conversationIds': id36} self._client.request('POST', '/api/mod/conversations/unread', data=data)
[docs] def bulk_mark_unread(self, ids: Iterable[_YIntOrStr]) -> CallChunkCallingIterator[None]: """Mark conversations as unread. Behaves similarly to :meth:`.bulk_mark_read`. """ def mass_mark_unread(ids: Sequence[_YIntOrStr]) -> None: # id36s = ((x if isinstance((x := i), str) else to_base36(x)) for i in ids) # type: ignore[arg-type] ids_str = ','.join(id36s) self._client.request('POST', '/api/mod/conversations/unread', data={'conversationIds': ids_str}) return CallChunkCallingIterator(CallChunk[Sequence[_YIntOrStr], None](mass_mark_unread, chunk) for chunk in chunked(ids, 100))
[docs] class BulkMarkAllRead:
[docs] class GenericOverload(Protocol[_YIntOrStr]): def __call__(self, mailbox: str, subrs: Iterable[str]) -> CallChunkChainingIterator[_YIntOrStr]: ...
def __init__(self, outer: ConversationProcedures) -> None: self._outer: ConversationProcedures = outer self._client: Client = outer._client def __call__(self, mailbox: str, subrs: Iterable[str]) -> CallChunkChainingIterator[int]: return self[int](mailbox, subrs) def __getitem__(self, key: type[_YIntOrStr]) -> GenericOverload[_YIntOrStr]: d = { int: self.y_int, str: self.y_str, } try: v = d[key] except KeyError as e: raise TypeError from e # return cast("__class__.GenericOverload[_YIntOrStr]", cast(object, v)) # type: ignore[name-defined] def __helper(self, mailbox: str, subrs: Sequence[str]) -> Sequence[str]: subrs_str = ','.join(subrs) data = {'state': mailbox, 'entity': subrs_str} root = self._client.request('POST', '/api/mod/conversations/bulk/read', data=data) conversation_ids = root['conversation_ids'] lst = [] for i in conversation_ids: lhs, sep, rhs = i.partition('_') lst.append(rhs if sep else lhs) return lst
[docs] def y_int(self, mailbox: str, subrs: Iterable[str]) -> CallChunkChainingIterator[int]: def mass_mark_all_read(subrs: Sequence[str]) -> Sequence[int]: l = self.__helper(mailbox, subrs) return [int(id36, 36) for id36 in l] return CallChunkChainingIterator(CallChunk[Sequence[str], Sequence[int]](mass_mark_all_read, chunk) for chunk in chunked(subrs, 100))
[docs] def y_str(self, mailbox: str, subrs: Iterable[str]) -> CallChunkChainingIterator[str]: def mass_mark_all_read(subrs: Sequence[str]) -> Sequence[str]: return list(self.__helper(mailbox, subrs)) return CallChunkChainingIterator(CallChunk[Sequence[str], Sequence[str]](mass_mark_all_read, chunk) for chunk in chunked(subrs, 100))
bulk_mark_all_read: cached_property[BulkMarkAllRead] = cached_property(BulkMarkAllRead) (""" Mark all conversations across select mailboxes and subreddits as read. Specified subreddit names that do not exist will be ignored, but if none of the subreddits exist then a 500 HTTP error will occur. If any of the subreddits are not moderated by you then a `BAD_SR_NAME` API error will occur, and none of the conversations will be processed. .. .PARAMETERS :param `str` mailbox: Either: `all`, `appeals`, `notifications`, `inbox`, `filtered`, `inprogress`, `mod`, `archived`, `default`, `highlighted`, `join_requests`, `new`. Defaults to `all` if empty string. :param `Iterable[str]` subrs: Subreddit names. .. .RETURNS :rtype: :class:`~.iterators.call_chunk_chaining_iterator.CallChunkChainingIterator`\\[`int`] :returns: For `_YIntOrStr` = `int`: :class:`~.iterators.call_chunk_chaining_iterator.CallChunkChainingIterator`\\[`int`] For `_YIntOrStr` = `str`: :class:`~.iterators.call_chunk_chaining_iterator.CallChunkChainingIterator`\\[`str`] .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `USER_REQUIRED`: There is no user context. + `INVALID_OPTION` The specified `mailbox` was invalid. + `BAD_SR_NAME`: One of the specified subreddits is not a subreddit you have access to. """)
[docs] def highlight(self, idy: Union[int, str]) -> ConversationAggregate: """Mark a conversation as highlighted. .. .PARAMETERS :params `Union[int, str]` idy: .. .RETURNS :rtype: :class:`~.models.modmail_SYNC.ConversationAggregate` .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `USER_REQUIRED`: There is no user context. + `CONVERSATION_NOT_FOUND`: The specified conversation does not exist. + `SUBREDDIT_NO_ACCESS`: The subreddit associated with the conversation is not moderated by you. """ id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) root = self._client.request('POST', f'/api/mod/conversations/{id36}/highlight') return load_conversation_aggregate(root, client=self._client)
[docs] def unhighlight(self, idy: Union[int, str]) -> ConversationAggregate: """Unmark a conversation as highlighted. Behaves similarly to :meth:`.highlight`. """ id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) root = self._client.request('DELETE', f'/api/mod/conversations/{id36}/highlight') return load_conversation_aggregate(root, client=self._client)
[docs] def archive(self, idy: Union[int, str]) -> ConversationAggregate: """Archive a conversation. .. hint:: Archiving a conversation moves it to the `archived` mailbox folder. .. .PARAMETERS :params `Union[int, str]` idy: .. .RETURNS :rtype: :class:`~.models.modmail_SYNC.ConversationAggregate` .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `USER_REQUIRED`: There is no user context. + `CONVERSATION_NOT_FOUND`: The specified conversation does not exist. + `INVALID_MOD_PERMISSIONS`: The subreddit associated with the conversation is not moderated by you. """ id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) root = self._client.request('POST', f'/api/mod/conversations/{id36}/archive') return load_conversation_aggregate(root, client=self._client)
[docs] def unarchive(self, idy: Union[int, str]) -> ConversationAggregate: """Unmark a conversation as highlighted. Behaves similarly to :meth:`.highlight`. """ id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) root = self._client.request('POST', f'/api/mod/conversations/{id36}/unarchive') return load_conversation_aggregate(root, client=self._client)
[docs] def approve_user(self, idy: Union[int, str]) -> ConversationAggregate: """Approve the user associated with a conversation. .. .PARAMETERS :params `Union[int, str]` idy: .. .RETURNS :rtype: :class:`~.models.modmail_SYNC.ConversationAggregate` .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `USER_REQUIRED`: There is no user context. + `CONVERSATION_NOT_FOUND`: The specified conversation does not exist. + `INVALID_MOD_PERMISSIONS`: The subreddit associated with the conversation is not moderated by you. + `CANT_RESTRICT_MODERATOR`: There is no user associated with the conversation. """ id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) root = self._client.request('POST', f'/api/mod/conversations/{id36}/approve') return load_conversation_aggregate(root, client=self._client)
[docs] def unapprove_user(self, idy: Union[int, str]) -> ConversationAggregate: """Unapprove the user associated with a conversation. Behaves similarly to :meth:`.approve_user`. """ id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) root = self._client.request('POST', f'/api/mod/conversations/{id36}/disapprove') return load_conversation_aggregate(root, client=self._client)
[docs] def mute_user_3d(self, idy: Union[int, str]) -> ConversationAggregate: """Mute the user associated with a conversation for 3 days. .. .PARAMETERS :params `Union[int, str]` idy: .. .RETURNS :rtype: :class:`~.models.modmail_SYNC.ConversationAggregate` .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `USER_REQUIRED`: There is no user context. + `CONVERSATION_NOT_FOUND`: The specified conversation does not exist. + `INVALID_MOD_PERMISSIONS`: The subreddit associated with the conversation is not moderated by you. + `CANT_RESTRICT_MODERATOR`: There is no user associated with the conversation. """ id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) root = self._client.request('POST', f'/api/mod/conversations/{id36}/mute', data={'num_hours': '72'}) return load_conversation_aggregate(root, client=self._client)
[docs] def mute_user_7d(self, idy: Union[int, str]) -> ConversationAggregate: """Mute the user associated with a conversation for 7 days. Behaves similarly to :meth:`.mute_user_3d`. """ id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) root = self._client.request('POST', f'/api/mod/conversations/{id36}/mute', data={'num_hours': '168'}) return load_conversation_aggregate(root, client=self._client)
[docs] def mute_user_28d(self, idy: Union[int, str]) -> ConversationAggregate: """Mute the user associated with a conversation for 28 days. Behaves similarly to :meth:`.mute_user_3d`. """ id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) root = self._client.request('POST', f'/api/mod/conversations/{id36}/mute', data={'num_hours': '672'}) return load_conversation_aggregate(root, client=self._client)
[docs] def unmute_user(self, idy: Union[int, str]) -> ConversationAggregate: """Unmute the user associated with a conversation. Behaves similarly to :meth:`.mute_user_3d`. """ id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) root = self._client.request('POST', f'/api/mod/conversations/{id36}/unmute') return load_conversation_aggregate(root, client=self._client)
[docs] def shorten_user_ban(self, idy: Union[int, str], duration: int) -> ConversationAggregate: """Switch a permanent ban to a temporary one of the user associated with a conversation. If the user is not permanently banned, an API error will be raised. .. .PARAMETERS :param `Union[int, str]` idy: :param `int` duration: The number of days the temporary ban should last. Specify an integer from 1 to 999. The UI has the options: 1, 3, 7, or 28 days. .. .RETURNS :rtype: :class:`~.models.modmail_SYNC.ConversationAggregate` .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `USER_REQUIRED`: There is no user context. + `CONVERSATION_NOT_FOUND`: The specified conversation does not exist. + `INVALID_MOD_PERMISSIONS`: The subreddit associated with the conversation is not moderated by you. + `CANT_RESTRICT_MODERATOR`: There is no user associated with the conversation. + `Participant must be banned.`: The user associated with the conversation is not banned from the subreddit. + `Participant must be banned permanently.`: The user associated with the conversation is not permanently banned from the subreddit. + `BAD_NUMBER`: The number specified by the `duration` parameter was not in range. """ id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) root = self._client.request('POST', f'/api/mod/conversations/{id36}/temp_ban', data={'duration': str(duration)}) return load_conversation_aggregate(root, client=self._client)
[docs] def unban_user(self, idy: Union[int, str]) -> ConversationAggregate: """Unban the user associated with a conversation from the subreddit. .. .PARAMETERS :param `Union[int, str]` idy: .. .RETURNS :rtype: :class:`~.models.modmail_SYNC.ConversationAggregate` .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `USER_REQUIRED`: There is no user context. + `CONVERSATION_NOT_FOUND`: The specified conversation does not exist. + `INVALID_MOD_PERMISSIONS`: The subreddit associated with the conversation is not moderated by you. + `CANT_RESTRICT_MODERATOR`: There is no user associated with the conversation. """ id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) root = self._client.request('POST', f'/api/mod/conversations/{id36}/unban') return load_conversation_aggregate(root, client=self._client)