Source code for redditwarp.siteprocs.misc.ASYNC

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Mapping
    from ...client_ASYNC import Client
    from ...types import JSON_ro

import json

[docs]class MiscProcedures: def __init__(self, client: Client) -> None: self._client = client
[docs] async def convert_richtext_to_markdown(self, rt: Mapping[str, JSON_ro]) -> str: """Convert richtext JSON to markdown text.""" root = await self._client.request('POST', '/api/convert_rte_body_format', files={'output_mode': 'markdown', 'richtext_json': json.dumps(rt)}) return root['output']
[docs] async def convert_markdown_to_richtext(self, md: str) -> Mapping[str, JSON_ro]: """Convert markdown text to richtext JSON.""" root = await self._client.request('POST', '/api/convert_rte_body_format', files={'output_mode': 'rtjson', 'markdown_text': md}) return root['output']