Source code for redditwarp.siteprocs.message.SYNC

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Sequence, Union
    from ...client_SYNC import Client
    from ...models.message_SYNC import ComposedMessage

from functools import cached_property

from ...util.base_conversion import to_base36
from ...model_loaders.message_SYNC import load_composed_message, load_composed_message_thread
from .pulls_SYNC import Pulls

[docs]class MessageProcedures: def __init__(self, client: Client) -> None: self._client = client self.pulls: Pulls = Pulls(client) (""" Pull messages. """)
[docs] def get_thread(self, idy: Union[int, str]) -> Sequence[ComposedMessage]: """Get a message thread. Specifying the ID of any message in the same thread gives you the same list. .. .PARAMETERS :param `Union[int, str]` idn: Message ID. .. .RETURNS :rtype: `Sequence`\\[:class:`~.models.message_SYNC.ComposedMessage`] .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.http.exceptions.StatusCodeException: + `403`: The target message specified does not exist or you do not have permission to access it. """ id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) root = self._client.request('GET', f'/message/messages/{id36}') obj_data = root['data']['children'][0]['data'] return load_composed_message_thread(obj_data, self._client)
[docs] def send(self, to: str, subject: str, body: str) -> None: """Send a direct message to a user. .. .PARAMETERS :param `str` to: Name of user in which to send the message to. :param `str` subject: The subject of the message. :param `str` body: The body text of the message. .. .RETURNS :rtype: `None` .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `USER_REQUIRED`: There is no user context. + `NO_USER`: The user specified by `to` was empty. + `NO_SUBJECT`: The subject specified by `subject` was empty. + `NO_TEXT`: The body text specified by `body` was empty. + `USER_DOESNT_EXIST`: The user specified by `to` does not exist. + `NOT_WHITELISTED_BY_USER_MESSAGE`: The target user has direct messages from strangers disabled. On old Reddit, this setting can be configured at `<>`_ by setting "Show private messages from" to "Only trusted users". """ req_data = { 'to': to, 'subject': subject, 'text': body, } self._client.request('POST', '/api/compose', data=req_data)
[docs] def send_from_sr(self, sr: str, to: str, subject: str, body: str) -> None: """Send a direct message to a user on behalf of a subreddit. .. .PARAMETERS :param `str` sr: The name of a subreddit you moderate. :param `str` to: Name of user in which to send the message to. :param `str` subject: The subject of the message. :param `str` body: The body text of the message. .. .RETURNS :rtype: `None` .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `USER_REQUIRED`: There is no user context. + `NO_USER`: The user specified by `to` was empty. + `NO_SUBJECT`: The subject specified by `subject` was empty. + `NO_TEXT`: The body text specified by `body` was empty. + `SUBREDDIT_NOEXIST`: The subreddit specified by `sr` does not exist. + `NO_SR_TO_SR_MESSAGE`: Both `sr` and `to` refer to subreddits. Subreddit to subreddit messages is not allowed. :raises redditwarp.http.exceptions.StatusCodeException: + `403`: The current user is not a moderator of the specified subreddit. """ req_data = { 'from_sr': sr, 'to': to, 'subject': subject, 'text': body, } self._client.request('POST', '/api/compose', data=req_data)
[docs] def reply(self, idy: Union[int, str], body: str) -> ComposedMessage: """Reply to a message .. .PARAMETERS :param `Union[int, str]` idn: :param `str` body: .. .RETURNS :returns: The newly created message. :rtype: :class:`~.models.message_SYNC.ComposedMessage` .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `USER_REQUIRED`: There is no user context. + `NO_TEXT`: The body text specified by `body` was empty. :raises redditwarp.http.exceptions.StatusCodeException: + `403`: The specified message ID does not exist. """ id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) data = { 'thing_id': 't4_' + id36, 'text': body, 'return_rtjson': '1', } result = self._client.request('POST', '/api/comment', data=data) root = result['json']['data']['things'][0]['data'] return load_composed_message(root, self._client)
[docs] def delete(self, idy: Union[int, str]) -> None: """Delete a message. If the message specified by the ID doesn't exist, or is invalid, the action is treated as a success. .. .PARAMETERS :param `Union[int, str]` idn: .. .RETURNS :rtype: `None` .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `USER_REQUIRED`: There is no user context. """ id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) self._client.request('POST', '/api/del_msg', data={'id': 't4_' + id36})
[docs] def mark_read(self, idy: Union[int, str]) -> None: """Mark a message as read. Marking an already marked as read item is treated as a success. .. .PARAMETERS :param `Union[int, str]` idn: .. .RETURNS :rtype: `None` .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `USER_REQUIRED`: There is no user context. :raises redditwarp.http.exceptions.StatusCodeException: + `400`: The message specified by the ID doesn't exist or is invalid. """ id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) self._client.request('POST', '/api/read_message', data={'id': 't4_' + id36})
[docs] def mark_unread(self, idy: Union[int, str]) -> None: """Mark a message as unread. Behaves similarly to :meth:`.mark_read`. """ id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) self._client.request('POST', '/api/unread_message', data={'id': 't4_' + id36})
[docs] def mark_all_read(self) -> None: """Mark all messages as read. .. .RETURNS :rtype: `None` .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `USER_REQUIRED`: There is no user context. """ self._client.request('POST', '/api/read_all_messages')
[docs] def mark_comment_read(self, idy: Union[int, str]) -> None: """Mark a comment message as read. Behaves similarly to :meth:`.mark_read`. """ id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) self._client.request('POST', '/api/read_message', data={'id': 't1_' + id36})
[docs] def mark_comment_unread(self, idy: Union[int, str]) -> None: """Mark a comment message as unread. Behaves similarly to :meth:`.mark_read`. """ id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) self._client.request('POST', '/api/read_message', data={'id': 't1_' + id36})
[docs] def collapse(self, idy: Union[int, str]) -> None: """Collapse a message. If the specified message does not exist or is valid, the action is treated as a success. .. .PARAMETERS :param `Union[int, str]` idn: .. .RETURNS :rtype: `None` .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `USER_REQUIRED`: There is no user context. """ id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) self._client.request('POST', '/api/collapse_message', data={'id': 't4_' + id36})
[docs] def uncollapse(self, idy: Union[int, str]) -> None: """Uncollapse a message. Behaves similarly to :meth:`.mark_read`. """ id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) self._client.request('POST', '/api/uncollapse_message', data={'id': 't4_' + id36})
[docs] class BlockAuthor: def __init__(self, outer: MessageProcedures) -> None: self._client = outer._client def __call__(self, idy: Union[int, str]) -> None: self.of_message(idy)
[docs] def of_message(self, idy: Union[int, str]) -> None: id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) self._client.request('POST', '/api/block', data={'id': 't4_' + id36})
[docs] def of_comment(self, idy: Union[int, str]) -> None: id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) self._client.request('POST', '/api/block', data={'id': 't1_' + id36})
[docs] def of_submission(self, idy: Union[int, str]) -> None: id36 = x if isinstance((x := idy), str) else to_base36(x) self._client.request('POST', '/api/block', data={'id': 't3_' + id36})
block_author: cached_property[BlockAuthor] = cached_property(BlockAuthor) (""" Block the author of a message, comment, or submission. - Use :meth:`~.BlockAuthor.__call__` to block the author of a message. - Use :meth:`~.BlockAuthor.of_comment` to block the author of a comment. - Use :meth:`~.BlockAuthor.of_submission` to block the author of a submission. To block a user directly by ID or name, see :meth:`~.AccountProcedures.block_user_by_id` and :meth:`~.AccountProcedures.block_user_by_name` instead. .. .PARAMETERS :param `Union[int, str]` idn: .. .RETURNS :rtype: `None` .. .RAISES :raises redditwarp.exceptions.RedditError: + `USER_REQUIRED`: There is no user context. """)