Source code for redditwarp.pushshift.paginators.document_async_paginator

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
    from import Iterable, Collection, Sequence, Set, Mapping
    from ..client_ASYNC import Client

from ...pagination.async_paginator import AsyncPaginator
from ..models.document import Document

[docs]class DocumentAsyncPaginator(AsyncPaginator[Document]): def __init__(self, client: Client, url: str, *, limit: Optional[int] = 1000, search_params: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, since: Optional[int] = None, until: Optional[int] = None, fields: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, descending: bool = False, ) -> None: super().__init__(limit=limit) self.client: Client = client ("") self.url: str = url ("") self._search_params: Mapping[str, str] = {} if search_params is None else search_params self._since_cursor: Optional[int] = since self._until_cursor: Optional[int] = until self._fields: Optional[Collection[str]] = fields self._descending: bool = descending self._previous_document_ids: Set[int] = set()
[docs] async def fetch(self) -> Sequence[Document]: def g() -> Iterable[tuple[str, str]]: yield ('order', 'desc' if self._descending else 'asc') if self.limit is not None: yield ('limit', str(self.limit)) if self._since_cursor is not None: yield ('since', str(self._since_cursor)) if self._until_cursor is not None: yield ('until', str(self._until_cursor)) if self._fields: yield ('filter', ','.join(self._fields)) yield from self._search_params.items() root = await self.client.request('GET', self.url, params=dict(g())) documents = root['data'] m = {d['id']: d for d in documents} for i in self._previous_document_ids: m.pop(i, None) self._previous_document_ids = set(m) documents = list(m.values()) # If this is true then we could be losing some results unless we # increase the fetch limit. But the pagination algorithm shouldn't # alter the limit so just carry on and try our best. all_from_same_time_bucket: bool = len(set(d['created_utc'] for d in documents)) == 1 if documents: cursor: int = documents[-1]['created_utc'] if self._descending: if (self._until_cursor is None) or cursor < self._until_cursor: self._until_cursor = cursor + 1 if all_from_same_time_bucket: self._until_cursor -= 1 else: if (self._since_cursor is None) or cursor > self._since_cursor: self._since_cursor = cursor if all_from_same_time_bucket: self._since_cursor += 1 return [Document(d) for d in documents]