Source code for

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Mapping, Any, Sequence

from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime, timezone

from .datamemento import DatamementoPropertiesMixin, DatamementoDataclassesMixin

[docs]class WikiPageRevisionAuthorUser(DatamementoPropertiesMixin): """ This class is pretty much the same as :class:`~.models.User` except the `awardee_karma`, `awarder_karma`, `total_karma` fields are missing. """
[docs] class Subreddit: def __init__(self, d: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: d = d['subreddit'] str = d['display_name'] ("") self.openness: str = d['subreddit_type'] ("") self.subscriber_count: int = d['subscribers'] ("") self.title: str = d['title'] ("") self.public_description: str = d['public_description'] ("") self.nsfw: bool = d['over_18'] ("")
[docs] class Me: def __init__(self, d: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: self.is_friend: bool = d['is_friend'] ("") self.is_blocked: bool = d['is_blocked'] ("")
def __init__(self, d: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: self.d: Mapping[str, Any] = d ("") self.id36: str = d['id'] ("") self.idn: int = int(self.id36, 36) ("") int = self.idn ("") str = d['name'] ("") self.created_ut: int = int(d['created_utc']) ("") self.created_at: datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.created_ut, timezone.utc) ("") self.post_karma: int = d['link_karma'] ("") self.comment_karma: int = d['comment_karma'] ("") self.has_premium: bool = d['is_gold'] ("") self.has_verified_email: bool = d['has_verified_email'] ("") self.is_admin: bool = d['is_employee'] ("") self.is_a_subreddit_moderator: bool = d['is_mod'] ("") self.icon_img: str = d['icon_img'] ("") self.subreddit: WikiPageRevisionAuthorUser.Subreddit = self.Subreddit(d) ("") WikiPageRevisionAuthorUser.Me = self.Me(d) ("")
[docs]@dataclass(repr=False, eq=False, frozen=True) class WikiPage(DatamementoDataclassesMixin): d: Mapping[str, Any] body: str (""" The wiki page markdown content. """) body_html: str (""" The wiki page content as HTML. """) can_revise: bool (""" True if the current user may edit the wiki page. """) revision_uuid: str (""" The current revision UUID. """) revision_unixtime: int (""" UNIX timestamp of when the current revision was commited. """) revision_author: WikiPageRevisionAuthorUser (""" Author of the revision. """) revision_message: str (""" The current revision message. Up to 256 characters long. """)
[docs]@dataclass(repr=False, eq=False, frozen=True) class WikiPageRevision(DatamementoDataclassesMixin): d: Mapping[str, Any] uuid: str (""" Revision UUID. """) unixtime: int (""" UNIX timestamp of when the current revision was commited. """) author: WikiPageRevisionAuthorUser (""" Author of the revision. """) message: str (""" Revision message. Up to 256 characters long. """) hidden: bool (""" True if the revision is hidden. """)
[docs]@dataclass(repr=False, eq=False, frozen=True) class WikiPageSettings: permlevel: int (""" Permission level indicating who can edit this wiki page. "who can edit this page?" `0`: "use subreddit wiki permissions" `1`: "only approved wiki contributors for this page may edit" `2`: "only mods may edit and view" """) editors: Sequence[WikiPageRevisionAuthorUser] (""" List of users allowed to edit this page. """) indexed: bool (""" Whether this wiki page is indexed on the wiki page list. """)