Source code for redditwarp.models.submission

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Mapping, Any, Optional, Sequence, TypeVar, Callable, final

from datetime import datetime, timezone

from ..core.const import AUTHORIZATION_BASE_URL
from .datamemento import DatamementoBase
from .report import ModReport, UserReport
from import load_mod_report, load_user_report
from dataclasses import dataclass

[docs]class Submission(DatamementoBase):
[docs] class Me: def __init__(self, d: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: self.saved: bool = d['saved'] (""" Whether the current user has saved the post. Value false if there is no user context. """) self.reply_notifications: bool = d['send_replies'] (""" Whether an inbox message will be sent to you when the submission receives a new top-level comment. Value true if you are not the author of the submission. Value true if there is no user context. """) self.voted: int = {False: -1, None: 0, True: 1}[d['likes']] (""" Value `1` if upvoted, `0` if not voted on, `-1` if downvoted. """) self.hidden: bool = d['hidden'] (""" Whether the current user has hidden the post. Value false if there is not user context. """) self.is_following_event: bool = d.get('is_followed', False) (""" True if the submisison has event details and is being followed by the current user. Value false if there is no user context. """)
[docs] class Author:
[docs] class AuthorFlair: def __init__(self, d: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: flair_text: Optional[str] = d['author_flair_text'] flair_css_class: Optional[str] = d['author_flair_css_class'] self.template_uuid: Optional[str] = x if (x := d['author_flair_template_id']) else None (""" The author's flair template UUID. Value is null if no flair template is being used. """) self.text_mode: str = d['author_flair_type'] (""" Either `text` or `richtext`. """) self.text: str = flair_text or '' (""" The author's flair text. Check if the value is an empty string to tell if a flair is being used. """) self.css_class: str = flair_css_class or '' (""" The author's flair CSS class. When a flair template is being used, the value of this field will be that of the CSS class designated by the template. If the flair template does not specify a CSS class then the value will be an empty string. """) self.bg_color: str = '' if (x := d['author_flair_background_color']) == 'transparent' else x (""" A background color hex string. E.g., `#46d160`. If a flair template is not being used then the value is an empty string. If a flair template is being used and the background color is unset then the value is an empty string. """) self.fg_color_scheme: str = d['author_flair_text_color'] or '' (""" Either `dark` or `light`, or empty string. Value is empty string if a flair template is not being used. """) self.has_had_flair_assigned_before_in_subreddit: bool = flair_text is not None (""" Because of quirks in the API, we can tell if the user has ever had a flair assigned before in the subreddit. """) self.has_had_flair_css_class_assigned_before_in_subreddit_when_no_flair_template_assigned: bool = flair_css_class is not None (""" Because of quirks in the API, we can tell if the user has ever had a flair CSS class assigned before in the subreddit. This only works if a flair template is not being used. """)
def __init__(self, d: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: str = d['author'] ("") self.id36: str = d['author_fullname'].split('_', 1)[-1] ("") self.idn: int = int(self.id36, 36) ("") int = self.idn ("") self.has_premium: bool = d['author_premium'] ("") self.flair: Submission.Author.AuthorFlair = self.AuthorFlair(d) ("")
[docs] class Subreddit: def __init__(self, d: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: self.id36: str = d['subreddit_id'].split('_', 1)[-1] ("") self.idn: int = int(self.id36, 36) ("") int = self.idn ("") str = d['subreddit'] ("") self.openness: str = d['subreddit_type'] (""" Either: `public`, `private`, `restricted`, `archived`, `employees_only`, `gold_only`, `gold_restricted`, or `user`. """) self.quarantined: bool = d['quarantine'] ("") self.subscriber_count: int = d['subreddit_subscribers'] ("")
[docs] class Moderation:
[docs] class Approved: def __init__(self, d: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: str = d['approved_by'] (""" Name of the moderator who approved this comment. """) self.ut: int = d['approved_at_utc'] ("") datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.ut, timezone.utc) ("")
[docs] class Removed: def __init__(self, d: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: str = d['banned_by'] (""" Name of the moderator who removed this comment. """) self.ut: int = d['banned_at_utc'] ("") datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.ut, timezone.utc) ("")
[docs] class Reports: def __init__(self, d: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: self.ignoring: bool = d['ignore_reports'] ("") self.num_reports: int = d['num_reports'] ("") self.mod_reports: Sequence[ModReport] = [load_mod_report(m) for m in d['mod_reports']] ("") self.user_reports: Sequence[UserReport] = [load_user_report(m) for m in d['user_reports']] ("")
[docs] class RemovalReason: def __init__(self, d: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: str = d['mod_reason_by'] or '' ("") self.title: str = d['mod_reason_title'] or '' ("") self.note: str = d['mod_note'] or '' ("")
def __init__(self, d: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: self.spam: bool = d['spam'] ("") self.approved: Optional[Submission.Moderation.Approved] = None ("") if d['approved_by']: self.approved = self.Approved(d) self.removed: Optional[Submission.Moderation.Removed] = None ("") if d['banned_by']: self.removed = self.Removed(d) self.reports: Submission.Moderation.Reports = self.Reports(d) ("") self.removal_reason: Optional[Submission.Moderation.RemovalReason] = None ("") if d['mod_reason_by']: self.removal_reason = self.RemovalReason(d)
[docs] class Event: def __init__(self, d: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: self.start_ut: int = int(d['event_start']) ("") self.start_at: datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.start_ut, timezone.utc) ("") self.end_ut: int = int(d['event_end']) ("") self.end_at: datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.end_ut, timezone.utc) ("") self.is_live: bool = d['event_is_live'] ("")
[docs] class Flair: def __init__(self, d: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: self.template_uuid: Optional[str] = d.get('link_flair_template_id') (""" The post flair template UUID. Value is null if no flair template is being used. """) self.text_mode: str = d['link_flair_type'] (""" Either `text` or `richtext`. """) self.text: str = d['link_flair_text'] or '' (""" The flair text. """) self.css_class: str = d['link_flair_css_class'] or '' (""" Post flair CSS class. When a flair template is being used, the value of this field will be that of the CSS class designated by the template. If the flair template does not specify a CSS class then the value will be an empty string. """) # Post flairs can't be `transparent` but just in case. self.bg_color: str = '' if (x := d['link_flair_background_color']) == 'transparent' else x ("""A background color hex string. E.g., `#46d160`. If a flair template is not being used then the value is an empty string. A post flair template background color cannot be unset unlike user flair templates. """) self.fg_color_scheme: str = d['link_flair_text_color'] (""" Either `dark` or `light`, or empty string. Value is empty string if a flair template is not being used. """)
[docs] class Reports: def __init__(self, d: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: self.ignoring: bool = d['ignore_reports'] ("") self.num_reports: int = d['num_reports'] ("") self.mod_reports: Sequence[ModReport] = [load_mod_report(m) for m in d['mod_reports']] ("") self.user_reports: Sequence[UserReport] = [load_user_report(m) for m in d['user_reports']] ("")
[docs] class Edited: def __init__(self, outer: Submission) -> None: self.ut: int = outer.edited_ut ("") datetime = outer.edited_at ("")
def __init__(self, d: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: super().__init__(d) self.id36: str = d['id'] (""" The ID of the submission as a base 36 number. """) self.idn: int = int(self.id36, 36) ("") int = self.idn ("") self.created_ut: int = int(d['created_utc']) (""" Unix timestamp of when the submission was made. """) self.created_at: datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.created_ut, timezone.utc) (""" When the submission was made. """) self.title: str = d['title'] ("") self.score: int = d['score'] (""" The number of upvotes (minus downvotes). """) self.score_hidden: bool = d['hide_score'] (""" Whether the score should be hidden. """) self.comment_count: int = d['num_comments'] (""" The number of comments. This should be treated as an estimation and may not match the number of actual visible comments. It could be higher or lower. """) self.permalink_path: str = d['permalink'] (""" The URL of the submission, without the domain. """) self.permalink: str = AUTHORIZATION_BASE_URL + self.permalink_path (""" The URL of the submission. """) edited: Any = d['edited'] self.is_edited: bool = bool(edited) (""" True if the submission was edited. """) self.edited_ut: int = int(edited) if edited else 0 (""" Unix timestamp of when the submission was edited. Value is `0` if :attr:`is_edited` is false. """) self.edited_at: datetime = datetime.min (""" When the submission was edited. Value is `datetime.min` if :attr:`is_edited` is false. """) if self.is_edited: self.edited_at = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.edited_ut, timezone.utc) self.edited: Optional[Submission.Edited] = None (""" Value non-`None` if the comment was edited. """) if edited: self.edited = self.Edited(self) self.upvote_ratio: float = d['upvote_ratio'] ("") self.removal_category: Optional[str] = d['removed_by_category'] (""" `None` if not removed. If removed, possible values: `author`, `anti_evil_ops`, `community_ops`, `legal_operations`, `copyright_takedown`, `reddit`, `user`, `deleted`, `moderator`, `automod_filtered`. """) self.suggested_sort: str = d['suggested_sort'] or '' (""" Either: `confidence` (best), `new`, `old`, `top`, `qa`, `controversial`, or `live`. Value empty string if not set. """) self.stickied: bool = d['stickied'] ("") self.archived: bool = d['archived'] (""" Whether the post is archived. Archived posts cannot be commented on, but the author can still edit the OP. """) self.locked: bool = d['locked'] ("") self.in_contest_mode: bool = d['contest_mode'] (""" Whether the post is in contest mode. In contest mode, the comments are shown in a random order. """) self.nsfw: bool = d['over_18'] ("") self.spoiler: bool = d['spoiler'] ("") self.oc: bool = d['is_original_content'] (""" Whether the post is marked as 'original content'. """) self.num_crossposts: int = d['num_crossposts'] (""" Crosspost count. """) self.is_crosspostable: bool = d['is_crosspostable'] (""" Whether the post can be crossposted. Will be `false` if the post was removed or deleted. """) self.is_robot_indexable: bool = d['is_robot_indexable'] (""" Whether search engines should index this submission. Will be `false` if the post was removed or deleted. """) self.is_poster_profile_pinned: bool = d['pinned'] (""" Whether the post is pinned to the poster's profile. This attribute can only be true if the submission object was obtained through a user listing. """) self.distinguished: str = d['distinguished'] or '' (""" Either `moderator` or `admin`, or empty string. Value empty string if not distinguished. """) self.event: Optional[Submission.Event] = None (""" Attributes related to event metadata of the submission. """) if 'event_start' in d: self.event = self.Event(d) Submission.Me = self.Me(d) (""" Attributes relating to the current user. If there is no user context, these values contain nonsense. """) self.subreddit: Submission.Subreddit = self.Subreddit(d) (""" Information related to the submission's subreddit. """) author: str = d['author'] self.author_display_name: str = author (""" The author's username. Possibly `[removed]` if the submission was removed or `[deleted]` if the submission was deleted by the author. """) Optional[Submission.Author] = None (""" Information about the author. Value is `None` if the submission was removed or deleted. """) if not author.startswith('['): = self.Author(d) self.mod: Optional[Submission.Moderation] = None (""" Attributes relating to moderation. Value is `None` if the current user is not a moderator of the subreddit. """) if 'spam' in d: self.mod = self.Moderation(d) self.flair: Submission.Flair = self.Flair(d) (""" Attributes related to the author's flair. """) self.reports: Optional[Submission.Reports] = None ("") if d['num_reports'] is not None: self.reports = self.Reports(d)
[docs]class LinkPost(Submission): def __init__(self, d: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: super().__init__(d) str = d['url_overridden_by_dest'] (""" The URL linked to by the link post. """)
[docs]class TextPost(Submission): def __init__(self, d: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: super().__init__(d) self.body: str = d['selftext'] (""" The body text of the submission. In markdown format. """) self.body_html: str = d['selftext_html'] (""" The HTML of the submission. """)
[docs]class GalleryPost(Submission):
[docs] @dataclass(repr=False, eq=False) class GalleryItem: id: int media_id: str caption: str outbound_link: str
def __init__(self, d: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: super().__init__(d) self.gallery_link: str = d['url_overridden_by_dest'] ("") gallery_data_items: Sequence[Any] = () if gallery_data := d.get('gallery_data'): gallery_data_items = gallery_data['items'] Sequence[GalleryPost.GalleryItem] = [ self.GalleryItem( id=m['id'], media_id=m['media_id'], caption=m.get('caption', ''), outbound_link=m.get('outbound_url', ''), ) for m in gallery_data_items ] ("")
[docs]class PollPost(Submission): pass
[docs]class CrosspostSubmission(Submission): @property def original(self) -> Optional[Submission]: """Original submission of this crosspost. Value `None` if the original submission is from a subreddit that is now banned and the submission is no longer accessible. """ return self.__original def __init__(self, d: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: super().__init__(d) self.original_id36: str = d['crosspost_parent'][3:] (""" The ID36 of the original submission. """) self.original_idn: int = int(self.original_id36, 36) (""" The ID of the original submission. """) self.original_id: int = self.original_idn (""" Same as :attr:`original_idn`. """) self.__original: Optional[Submission] = None # if self.__class__.original == __class__.original: # type: ignore[name-defined] from ..model_loaders.submission import load_submission # Avoid cyclic import self.__original = self._load_original( d=d, load_submission=load_submission, ) _TSubmission = TypeVar('_TSubmission', bound=Submission) @final def _load_original(self, *, d: Mapping[str, Any], load_submission: Callable[[Mapping[str, Any]], _TSubmission], ) -> Optional[_TSubmission]: if crosspost_parent_list := d['crosspost_parent_list']: return load_submission(crosspost_parent_list[0]) return None
CrossPost = CrosspostSubmission