Source code for redditwarp.models.moderated_subreddit

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Mapping, Any, Optional

from datetime import datetime, timezone

from .datamemento import DatamementoPropertiesMixin

[docs]class ModeratedSubreddit(DatamementoPropertiesMixin):
[docs] class Me: def __init__(self, d: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: self.is_subscribed: bool = d['user_is_subscriber'] ("")
def __init__(self, d: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: self.d: Mapping[str, Any] = d ("") full_id36: str = d['name'] self.id36: str = full_id36[3:] (""" The ID of the subreddit as a base 36 number. """) self.idn: int = int(self.id36, 36) (""" The subreddit ID. """) int = self.idn (""" Same as :attr:`idn`. """) str = d['display_name'] (""" The name of the subreddit. """) self.openness: str = d['subreddit_type'] (""" Either: `public`, `private`, `restricted`, `archived`, `employees_only`, `gold_only`, `gold_restricted`, or `user`. """) self.created_ut: int = -1 (""" If a normal subreddit, the unix timestamp of when the subreddit was created. If a user subreddit, the value is `-1`. Use `self.openness == 'user'` to tell if a subreddit is a user subreddit. """) self.created_at: datetime = datetime.min (""" If a normal subreddit, a datetime object of when the subreddit was created. If a user subreddit, the value is `datetime.min`. Use `self.openness == 'user'` to tell if a subreddit is a user subreddit. """) if self.openness != 'user': self.created_ut = int(d['created_utc']) self.created_at = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.created_ut, timezone.utc) self.title: str = d['title'] ("") self.subscriber_count: int = d['subscribers'] ("") self.nsfw: bool = d['over_18'] ("") self.icon_img: str = d['icon_img'] ("") Optional[ModeratedSubreddit.Me] = None ("") if 'user_is_subscriber' in d: = self.Me(d)