Source code for redditwarp.exceptions

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Mapping
    from .http.response import Response

[docs]class ArgExcMixin(Exception): """ Mixin exception class where the `arg` argument is used as the exception message. """ def __init__(self, arg: object = None) -> None: super().__init__() self.arg: object = arg def __str__(self) -> str: if self.arg is None: return self.get_default_message() return str(self.arg)
[docs] def get_default_message(self) -> str: """Get a default message for this exception type.""" return ''
[docs]class ArgExc(ArgExcMixin): pass
[docs]class OperationException(ArgExc): """ A class of exceptions for when the client needs to raise an artificial exception. """
[docs]class NoResultException(OperationException): """Raised when a requested target does not exist."""
[docs]class RejectedResultException(OperationException): """Raised when a returned value does not fulfil some invariant."""
[docs]class UnexpectedResultException(OperationException): """Raised when a certain result was not expected."""
[docs]class Throwaway(ArgExc): """These exceptions are not intended to be caught."""
[docs]class UserAgentRequired(Throwaway): """Raised when the client detects that the Reddit API wants you to set a user agent."""
[docs]def raise_for_non_json_response(resp: Response) -> None: """Raise exceptions for a HTTP response from Reddit that does not contain JSON. This function assumes the given response object does not contain JSON. """ data = is_html_content = resp.headers.get('Content-Type', '').startswith('text/html') if is_html_content: if b"user agent required" in data: raise UserAgentRequired('the Reddit API wants you to set a user agent') try: resp.ensure_successful_status() except http.exceptions.StatusCodeException as e: if is_html_content: msg = None if b"Our CDN was unable to reach our servers" in data: msg = 'HTML, "Our CDN was unable to reach our servers"' if b"title> page not found</title" in data: msg = 'HTML, page not found' e.arg = msg raise
[docs]class APIError(OperationException): """A formal API error."""
[docs]class RedditError(APIError): """A Reddit error. Errors from Reddit's API typically consist of three pieces of information: an error label, an explanation, and the name of a related parameter field. """ __match_args__ = ('label',) def __init__(self, arg: object = None, *, label: str, explanation: str, field: str, ) -> None: super().__init__(arg) self.label: str = label (""" A label for the error. E.g., `USER_REQUIRED`, `INVALID_OPTION`, `SUBREDDIT_NOEXIST`. In rare cases this label may not always be in uppercase. It can even contain spaces. """) self.explanation: str = explanation (""" A description for the error. """) self.field: str = field (""" The name of the parameter relevant to the error, if applicable. """)
[docs] def get_default_message(self) -> str: la = self.label xp = self.explanation fd = self.field if la: if xp: if fd: return f'{la}: {xp!r} -> {fd}' return f'{la}: {xp!r}' if fd: return f'{la} -> {fd}' return la return ''
VanillaProviderAPIError = RedditError
[docs]def raise_for_reddit_error(json_data: Any) -> None: """Examine JSON data returned from the API and raise exceptions if any API errors were detected. This function is the default `snub` parameter value for the `Client.request` method. """ if not isinstance(json_data, Mapping): return try: if ( isinstance(label := json_data.get('reason'), str) and isinstance(explanation := json_data.get('explanation'), str) and isinstance(field := next(iter(json_data.get('fields', [])), None), str) ): raise RedditError(label=label, explanation=explanation, field=field) elif ( isinstance(label := json_data.get('reason'), str) and json_data.get('explanation') is None and isinstance(field := next(iter(json_data.get('fields', [])), None), str) ): raise RedditError(label=label, explanation='', field=field) elif ( isinstance(reason := json_data.get('reason'), str) and json_data.get('explanation') is None and list(json_data.get('fields', [])) == [None] ): raise RedditError(label=reason, explanation='', field='') elif ( isinstance(label := json_data.get('reason'), str) and isinstance(explanation := json_data.get('explanation'), str) ): raise RedditError(label=label, explanation=explanation, field='') elif json_data.keys() >= {'error', 'message'} and isinstance(reason := json_data.get('reason'), str): raise RedditError(label=reason, explanation='', field='') elif json_data.keys() >= {'error', 'message'}: # No useful information. This will be treated as a StatusCodeException. return elif json_data.keys() >= {'message'} and isinstance(reason := json_data.get('reason'), str): raise RedditError(label=reason, explanation='', field='') elif ( (error_record := next(iter(json_data.get('json', {}).get('errors', [])), [None, None, None])) and isinstance(label := error_record[0], str) and isinstance(explanation := error_record[1], str) and isinstance(field := error_record[2], str) ): raise RedditError(label=label, explanation=explanation, field=field) elif ( (error_record := next(iter(json_data.get('json', {}).get('errors', [])), [None, None, None])) and isinstance(label := error_record[0], str) and isinstance(explanation := error_record[1], str) ): raise RedditError(label=label, explanation=explanation, field='') elif ( isinstance(label := next(iter(json_data.get('errors', [])), None), str) and isinstance(explanation := next(iter(json_data.get('errors_values', [])), None), str) ): raise RedditError(label=label, explanation=explanation, field='') except AttributeError: pass
from . import http # Avoid cyclic import